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WPDer: “Mr. T.” Reflection

“No expectations, no pressure, and no stress. Just a bunch of image bearers enjoying cold water and Cliff Bars.”

Mr. T.
“Mr. T.,” Omega Group.

When asked the question of what WPD has meant, I think initially of comfort – place you can go with a group of individuals with similar desires and goals and just feel open and free. In my opinion no one can really lead this group the way Dr. M. did. There is no ill will or bad blood amongst conversations. These conversations were not easy, but they were welcomed and encouraged. This group helped grow and mold my articulation of what it meant and continues to mean to walk with the Lord. It was made clear early on that it wasn’t going to be easy and quite frankly it’s not supposed to be. Having a place to go once a week and having a mentor figure and individuals you confided in that will turned you to the Lord is something I looked forward to on a weekly basis, and that is because it was real.

Words are words but when you THINK, FEEL, & WILL, man you see the glory and goodness of God. No expectations, no pressure, and no stress. Just a bunch of image bearers enjoying cold water and Cliff Bars.  To me WPD has forever shaped my way of not only focusing and looking at my walk but making sure I am doing what I can for the Kingdom to help others in their walks.

When asked what this can do/mean for others, the answer is simple – ALOT. Everyone is different and is in a different stage of life, but this is a group that can helped propel us. Something as small as an hour or two a week went such a long way. And lastly, the way that God was able to speak through Dr. M was something that I quite understood, not in the sense that I did not know what he was saying, but I was overjoyed with how it was said and meant. There was no this and that, or list or guidelines, it was just real and genuine.

The passion and the love was unmatched, and it was a true reflection of Christ’s love for his people. Dr. M. has forever helped shape and mold my life in the short semester we grew close. WPD was different for everyone and there was no definite answer, but I will tell you that this was a uniqueness that went unmatched.

Since graduating, I have missed this greatly, but the relationships that came from it will last a lifetime. As a wise man once told me, “Enjoy it Mr. T, so much to enjoy, press on!”

Terry “Mr. T.” Fenske. December 2018 Graduate

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