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A Day at the Races…

A perfect jump? Hmmmm…

GLVC D-II Track & Field Conference Championship Day Spring 2022

I volunteer at the long and triple jump events. Marking the jumps with a “laser” is so cool and techie. Sporting long sleeves, old man large hat, sunglasses and two quarts of sunscreen, I settle in for two full days of service to the sport. Here are some observations.

ATHLETES: I see so many student-athletes (hundreds) from so many schools. Sprinters. Throwers, Jumpers. Beloved distance runners. I can’t help but see these student-athletes – sons and daughters – as image bearers of God. Of course, my worldview and, my theology (Genesis 1:27) frames my observations. But I wonder if they know that they bear the image. Makes me sad (loss) to think they do not.

So I focus on my 20 sqft of influence – the long/triple jump pit. Multiple athletes. Multiple flights. Multiple jumps. I focus on measuring the marks. After each jump, I use the laser to secure the mark (distance), and then shout out the mark to an official. Occasionally, I create a dramatic pause. I hesitate just a bit while the athlete walks near me. I calmly tell the athlete his or her mark, giving a personal touch. Then I shout it to the official. Do it gain…over and over. It’s a blast!

INJURY: Creating a smooth landing surface in the sand pit is so important. Any “mounds” can cause injury to the landing athlete. So thanks to basketball players “Bubba” and “Jethro” (not their real names) for being one of several sets of “sand groomers” over the two days. Remember their names.

So at sometime in the long day, after so many jumps and marks, a triple jump athlete hits the board (take off) and then it happens. SNAP!! I hear it and see it out of the corner of my eye. Out of the other corner, I see “Bubba” and “Jethro” recoil, throw down their rakes, and cover their mouths with their sweaty shirts. And then they both run 30 meters down the track. They FREAKED out! Why?

Seems the athlete, in his final jump push-off phase, brakes his lower leg. BOOM! He hits the sand and shouts in pain. Athletic trainers and a few coaches arrive. Big skin rip. Can see the bone. EMTs are called. Silence in the stadium. I take a position near the athlete’s head. I stand, shading his eyes from the sun. He is in pain and dropping F-bombs left and right. I let the medical team practice their trade. I stand quietly over him and pray. F-bombs increase. He wants to know what is going on. Fear is in actions. I understand and so do you. After time, he settles. And then he says, “Guess I ain’t going to make Bible study tonight.” He’s serious. One of those “BING, record scratch” moments for me. I quietly laugh. I understand.

Under great pressure you and can let it “fly.” Right? For sure. That said, I think to myself: private, personal disciplines or lack thereof will show up in public, especially when under duress. Just pondering the merits of personal disciplines (study, prayer, thinking and feeling deeply about our existence). After 30 minutes, the pros take the athlete to the hospital. The “jumps” crew take a deep breath. Two jumpers later. Wait for it…..

BOOM! Again, on the final phase, the young athlete seriously wrenches (taco roll) his ankle and ends up with half his body on the raised runway and the other half almost under the runway. Weird. Crowd grows quiet…again. Uh, did the EMTs leave yet? Well, this guy handles it well. He gets a brace and a ride to the trainer’s office. He waves to the crowd as he departs. Good for him! BTW, “Bubba” and “Jethro” split. They tap out. We find two replacements.

CHARLES: In between long and triple jumps, I walk up into the stands. I immediately see him – an old man. He sports a “team” shirt. I sit down near him. I look at him. He sees me. I lean into introductions. Charles is an 84 year old retired scientist (professor) from a medical school. The conversation is easy. I tell him about me. He fills me in on his life. Very personal and dynamic. The Spirt arrives. I honor Charles’ tenure on this planet and his knowledge. He talks about origins and meaning of life. He is certain that “we” just did not get here by chance. The odds are just too much for him, but he hesitates to consider (seriously) something outside his worldview that brings origin and meaning explanation. He has tension.

He states he is agnostic on origins. I note it. I think he is special, and I tell him that. I suggest to him that there is no one on this Earth like him (or me for that matter). I tell him that when I look deep into his eyes I see great inherent value, and that his complexities and mine might just be deep evidence of intentional design. We are comfortable talking to one another. No one is trying to win. I close the encounter with, “Charles, it’s an honor to talk with you. You are so unique (and he is). I think our time together is not a product of chance.” Charles, a witty fellow, closes with, “Well, as some say, only God really knows.” We both laugh.

After two full days of interacting with a ton of folk (total immersion), including an array of athletes and a delightful 84 year old agnostic scientist, I ponder:

Proverbs 3:13-27 ESV

Blessed Is the One Who Finds Wisdom

13 (A)Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding,
14 (B)for the gain from her is better than gain from silver and her profit better than (C)gold.

15 She is more precious than (D)jewels, and (E)nothing you desire can compare with her.
16 (F)Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are (G)riches and honor.
17 Her (H)ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace.

18 She is (I)a tree of life to those who (J)lay hold of her;
those who hold her fast are called blessed.

19 (K)The Lord by wisdom founded the earth; by understanding (L)he established the heavens;
20 by his knowledge (M)the deeps broke open, and (N)the clouds drop down the dew.

21 My son, (O)do not lose sight of these— keep sound wisdom and discretion,
22 and they will be (P)life for your soul and (Q)adornment for your neck.

23 (R)Then you will walk on your way securely, (S)and your foot will not stumble.
24 (T)If you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, (U)your sleep will be sweet.

25 (V)Do not be afraid of sudden terror or of (W)the ruin[a] of the wicked, when it comes, 26 for the Lord will be your confidence and will (X)keep your foot from being caught.

27 (Y)Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due,[b] when it is in your power to do it.

Dr. M.

A perfect jump? Perhaps. A great day? Yes!
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