WPDSports – Intersecting Soul and Sport. 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. EIN: 87-0948553. All donations are tax-deductible where allowed by law.

Release the Hounds!

D-I-II-III. School size does not matter. Student-athletes are arriving. Newbie freshmen. Mature upperclassmen. Some in high end cars. Others in “beaters.” You know, a vehicle that you run into the ground but hope you don’t. Clothes. Books. Toilet paper (thin kind). Furniture. Gaming devices. And…oh yeah…personal set of worldviews. Ready to tackle or be tackled by what awaits.

Dr. M.

Physically, what will their sport demand of them? Socially, what sphere of influence will they create or join? Academically, will they be able to “cut-the-mustard,” or “make-the-grade”? Spiritually, will they thrive or survive? Will they find community that will honor their faith perspective?

Like four wheels on a car each wheel must be properly maintained lest one goes low and throws off the entire car (student-athlete). They must be challenged on all wheels (points) or they will drift into the “passive” lane, becoming vulnerable to head on collisions with opposing forces. Oddly, some enjoy the thrill of new freedom and choose to drift into on-coming traffic. Kinda cool. But historically, such moves can change a life trajectory in a moment. No more fun and games.

To the student-athletes who fly the flag of faith – Christian faith – remember that Jesus said the essence of life is to love God, others, and self with all your: HEART, MIND, SOUL AND STRENGTH (Mark 12:30-31).

Jesus said the essence of life is to love God, others, and self with all your:

  • HEART – Thinking, feeling and willing. Connecting with others and self.
  • MIND – Reason. Increase knowledge and understanding about God, others and self.
  • SOUL – Immaterial part of our being. Giving ourselves silence and stillness. Being in-step with the Spirit.
  • STRENGTH – How we use our abilities and powers. Exercise, training, work.

Biblically, we are holistic bound together. But much of the time we tend to operate in certain areas while letting the other areas fall into the shadows.

Dr. Steven Lowe suggests that when we use the term “student-athlete” we have to understand that even this description is less than accurate in its depiction of who we really are. We are more than students who think and athletes who perform physically. Students who compete do so as whole persons (physical, intellectual, emotional, social, moral, and spiritual). Christian athletes are training not only their minds and bodies but their souls, spirits, hearts, and wills to reflect imperfectly the perfect humanity of Jesus.

Christian athletes. Dr. Lowe continues, have an advantage over their fellow students because the nature of athletic competition requires a whole person effort. Athletes must engage intellectually to memorize plays or hit the splits, be emotionally committed and involved, be socially steadfast and loyal to the team, be morally and ethically constrained by the rules of the sport, be physically prepared to compete at the highest levels, and be spiritually devoted to Christ and his church.

Dr. Lowe heads to the finish line when suggests that when Jesus said that we are love the Lord our God with our “heart, soul, mind, and strength,” (Luke 10:27) he was teaching us that we need to love the Lord with our whole selves, completely and totally. Christian athletes are challenged to achieve a higher calling than their secular competitors because we are being called to reflect, in our athletic endeavors, the perfection of redeemed creatures through the salvation Christ provides.

Are you up to the challenge? – Dr. M.

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