WPDSports – Intersecting Soul and Sport. 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. EIN: 87-0948553. All donations are tax-deductible where allowed by law.

Slow it down…

Guest Contributor: Mr. Daniel “Baywatch” Frazee. WPD Alpha Group. Owner/Head Trainer + Performance Specialist at The Sweat Machine (FL).

“Here is what I do. I take a 10–30-minute daily break from everything. I turn off and tune in. I find that refreshes me.

– Daniel “Baywatch” Frazee

Let me think and feel just a bit. Yes, I am a recent college graduate. Yes, I am newly married. Yes, I am an aspiring small business owner (The Sweat Machine). And yes, I still consider myself an athlete and newbie to this “adult” world. That said, would you consider a perspective?

Seems there are seasons in life when we are just OK. Everything is going well, and we are sitting pretty content. There are no key issues going on, but we are…well… tired. Know what I mean?

At times, we drain physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally in life. How can this be, especially if we are young? Can I be a bit more transparent? When someone asks us how we are doing, often we answer, “Busy.” Seems that everyone is busy, and it sure can be exhausting.

I ponder. Where do we find rest? I ponder further. Are we taking time for a bit of rejuvenation, or do we let life swirl passed us, too fast to get a grasp on it? Here is what I do. I take a 10–30-minute daily break from everything. I turn off and tune in. I find that refreshes me. I think of Isaiah 40:30-31 which reads “Even youths shall fall and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted. But those who wait on the lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

Where do we find our rest? And I do not mean binging Netflix or vegging on TikTok. I mean taking time, reducing distractions, and focusing on clearing our minds from everything except for the One who can give us deeper rest and strength – Jesus (Spirit). Let us challenge ourselves. Can we wake up, take a few minutes and be quiet with God? How about in the afternoon? We may find it will take more than several minutes to clear the mental “pipes.” But do it. Invite Him in. Take note and give thanks. Embrace the renewed strength!

WPDer Alpha Group. Daniel “Baywatch” Frazee
Owner/Head Trainer Daniel “Baywatch” Frazee.
WPDer and forever Alpha group member.
The Sweat Machine
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