WPDSports – Intersecting Soul and Sport. 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. EIN: 87-0948553. All donations are tax-deductible where allowed by law.

Soldier and the Jackass

Donkey on Solider's Shoulder
Source: Internet. Author, unknown.

What do you think and feel when you “digest” this picture? Go ahead. Take it in.

I love this picture. At first glance it is simply…well…silly. I laugh. I have no clue as to its authenticity. Does not matter. The message seems clear.

Not surprisingly, I frame it within my context. I see the donkey or jackass as the freshman or the less mature upperclassmen. I see the soldier as the more mature student-athlete regardless of class rank.

Let me be honest and a bit sad. I see and feel the impact of the student-athlete (newbie or veteran) who acts the jackass. Tough word, I know.

I see the student-athlete, the image bearer of God, engage college with a “go-nuts-I-am-free-to-be-me” attitude.

I see that a jackass likes other jackasses. Together, they “enjoy” unfettered trips through collegiate land mine fields. Misadventures abound. Life blows-up.  Attention-getting antics cover fear and loneliness. Do it again next week. <sigh>

Problems and heartache light-up for roommates, coaches, teammates, and Ma and Pa back home.

This makes me sad as there is much loss.

Back to the picture. A wise, caring soldier takes the lead, carries the jackass and secures his squad. Similarly, a wise, caring, and mature student-athlete is a great influence and stabilizing presence on his or her team.

But holistic maturity takes training.

WPDSports desires holistic maturity within a heart, mind, soul, and strength framework, focusing on:

  • Physical (For sure…they are athletes)
  • Social (They all need healthy community)
  • Academic (Working towards a life outside of college)
  • Spiritual (Work that clarifies true identity and purpose)

Honestly, I am a jackass…at times. God’s grace and mercy and his people carry me at moments, but I can’t stay on the shoulders. I grow up and so should a student-athlete.

I want to help the student-athlete mature, knowing God, others, and self. – Dr. Scott

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