WPDSports – Intersecting Soul and Sport. 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. EIN: 87-0948553. All donations are tax-deductible where allowed by law.

WPDer: “Spidey” Reflection

“I could write a lot more but I’d probably ramble forever.”

– Jeremy “Spidey” Inman.
“Spidey,” Alpha Member.
Software Engineer.

Whole Person Development. It wasn’t really something I ever thought of as a necessary consideration towards oneself until Dr. McNeal selected a group of us to meet on Thursday nights. It was a new perspective as a student-athlete to look at his life and take into account what impact spirituality, academia, sports, and social involvement had on him in a holistic way. Personally, it gave me perspective. When we started the group everything in my life was going mostly OK except I would say I lacked in my spiritual pursuit of Jesus Christ during those times. When my junior year came around and I got injured I would have said my athletic tire had a blowout and was too expensive to repair. But without the approach of looking deeper into the other three quadrants of WPD, I probably would not have recovered in the most mature way. I realized how important it was to pursue Christ, study hard for good grades, take time to be social and have time away from the other stressors, and to work at your sport because you love it.

The things I learned in Alpha group are forever engraved in my mind, and I reference things all the time in conversation, whether for fun or for teaching. The joy and wisdom Dr. McNeal was able to show towards us was life-changing. It is through him that I was and am able to have the community. I moved away to Dallas where I knew nobody. But Dr. McNeal linked me with a life leader.

I’m truly thankful for the things Dr. McNeal taught me and the things I continue to learn through my experiences in WPD. I could write a lot more but I’d probably ramble forever. If we could go back to the days of tracking our farts on the marker board, I’d probably eat more Taco Bell so I could win. [Editor’s note: Spidey, always the competitor!]

Alpha Member, Jeremy “Spidey” Inman. May 2020 Graduate.

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