WPDSports – Intersecting Soul and Sport. 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. EIN: 87-0948553. All donations are tax-deductible where allowed by law.

“Sunset” Hmmm…Appropriate

“Being there is presence, and presence is reciprocal service and influence.”

Dr. M.

“Sunset” Rather iconic place to run for those informed. Outside of town. Plenty of fresh air. Early morning sunrise. Hmmm, but they call it “Sunset.” The sun never sets there; it rises. Never mind. Over a cool multi-painted bridge. OK, it is very intentional graffiti. Pull-in. Gather yourself.

The Rock

Starts out simple. In this case, I prep my mountain bike as I can no longer put in the effort and distance as these student-athletes. Got a bag of drinks and “sups” (supplements) for as long as it last. The scantly clad “dudes” take off. I join them. Lots of bantering. Silly songs. Grunts. Laughing. For sure someone will pass a brutal fart. Look! Its 6:00 a.m. Stuff happens. Blame it on a freshman. Folk, just the way it works.

As we move on, the road rolls along with a turn here and there. Coach places colored “turn here genius” cones for morons like me who on occasion simply blow by them, adding extras miles to the morning.

And then they arrive. In the distance. The hills! Crew don’t say much; they just push forward. I take advantage of downhills only to be “paid back” harshly by the next uphill. Today is more special. Overnight rain makes the gravel roads thick and loose. Much harder to grind the peddles. My “mature” legs are burning with desire – the desire to stop. But can’t. You just don’t. I feel it now….the “Sunset” of my soul.

The last of the “longers” are “haulin’-the-mail.” Twice as hard on the way back (for me). Probably for all. We all go inside yourself. Not much bantering. Too tired.

Mile after mile. Connect with a pack. Some running shorter today so they are heading back. Kudos. Others press on. Catch another pack. Stop. Set the “table.” Water. Heed and some energy “sups.” Pull all from my road dust crusty back pack.” Very peaceful on the stop. Banter. Service. Assessment. Encouragement. Back to it.

Others await the return. Like “Rock. That playful country dog who runs “forever” on smelly creek water and dead fish. Rock earns the “badge” and admiration of the team. He is a champion, but he does not like energy bars. Sorry Rock, short on baloney sandwiches.

Man! I hope we go to the flat trail next week. I do. I do. I do. Whoa! Just got the notice. Next week long run is at Sunset! <…sigh…>

But I will be there and so will they. Lord willing and the creek literally does not rise. Being there is presence, and presence is reciprocal service and influence. Very thankful for our abilities. Press on…Dr. M.

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