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Then and Now…

Guest Contributor: Mr. Terry “Mr. T.” Fenske. WPD Omega Group. Global Ground Support, Olathe, KS.

Here’s to the next five years growing in grace and knowledge (2 Peter 3:18).

– Mr. Terry Fenske

It’s not so much of what I didn’t know then, but more my understanding of a given concept at the time compared to now. Life adds perspective, doesn’t it?

In those college days, God was there and in control even when I did not acknowledge it. Post college, He continues in control and has a great plan. He orchestrates everything. When something happens, whether it be good or bad, it might be a shock to me, but not to God.

God has a plan for Lily (my new wife) and me. Lily and I have come along way thanks to God and the fine people He has placed and continues to place into our lives. If you know me, then you know I can feel a bit undeserving of it all.

Emerging from small group discussions were questions like, “Where do you see yourself in five to ten years from now?” At the time I tackled the question the best I could. Now, several years out, I continue to tackle the question. Different life demands. Different challenges. Now I ponder the next five to ten years.

For now, God has Lily and I right where He wants us. We will continue to grow physically, mentally, and spiritually within a caring community.

To know me is to know that God is so good (tons of grace and mercy in my life). Now, thankfully, I have a bit more maturity to tackle life than I did at twenty-one.  

Even a difficult life is so much easier and sweeter when we … wait for the cheesy line (sorry, Dr. M.) … let Jesus take the wheel and become so real.

Here’s to the next five years growing in grace and knowledge (2 Peter 3:18).

Mr. Terry “Mr. T.” Fenske – Omega Group

Then – A bit bored with the old Ford!
Now – Some would say, “Ram Tough.”

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