WPDSports – Intersecting Soul and Sport. 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. EIN: 87-0948553. All donations are tax-deductible where allowed by law.

WPDer: “TAOG” Reflection

“…created a brotherhood that will last….”

“TAOG,” Beta Group.
Future PT.

While reflecting on my last four years of college, I must say that our Tuesday night WPD Beta (Greek alphabet) meetings exceed many other experiences. We met once a week for most of my time in college. Sweaty college athletes and an old fart (Dr. M.).

WPD has been an important aspect of my development spiritually and socially. The biggest thing I have gained from WPD is life-long relationships. WPD has created a brotherhood that will last, and I think the value of that brotherhood will be brought to light as I move on to a new stage of life this year.

I will miss watching Doc’s movies from the 1700’s, the Rocco’s Pizza, the candle lit quality time on the back porch, and other memories created from the Beta group. I was very blessed to be a part of this group, because it is not something you can experience anywhere. Not only has WPD been a blessing to me, but to the rest of the Beta members. It will continue to be a blessing to us even when we part ways.

Carter “TAOG” Adams. Beta Member. 2023 Graduate. Doctorate of Physical Therapy (PT) student.

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