WPDSports – Intersecting Soul and Sport. 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. EIN: 87-0948553. All donations are tax-deductible where allowed by law.

“Fuel Up” (Donate)

Why not join the WPDSports team with a one-time or recurring online or offline (check) tax-deductible “Fuel Up” gift? You can’t imagine how meaningful “Fuel” means to us. So go ahead, imagine.

Perhaps WPDSports‘ holistic, personal, and faith value proposition emerges from the very “lips” and “lives” of WPDers themselves.

“This group was one of the bigger highlights of my time in college.”

Alpha Member, Jordan “Big-X” Inman. Graduate, May 2020. United States Marine Corps. Now a 1st Lieutenant. Read more

“As athletes, we often want to develop our bodies. As students, we often want to develop our minds. But the Lord needs us to grow all parts of ourselves in Him.”

Omega Member, Will “Mung” O’Keefe. Graduate, May 2021. K-12 PE instructor. Read more. WARNING! Mung is verbal!

“There is a lot of value in slowing down, and I appreciated that ‘slower’ time with others in WPD.”

Beta Member, Daniel “G-Man” Garrison. Pre-engineering Student. 2022 Transfer to Missouri S & T. Read more.

Meet more WPDers.

Here are several “Fuel Up” options for you to consider. Jump in with others at any level. Thank you for your trust.

  • Sports Mentor Solutions I: $25.00/month provides a student-athlete ONE hour of one-on-one time, listening to and discussing solutions to personal discovery issues found both IN and OUT of sports.
  • Sports Mentor Solutions II: $50.00. Terry “Mr. T.” Fenske helps the Sports Mentor provide ONE WPD student-athlete group TWO weekly hours of personal, caring community, addressing academic, athletic, social, and spiritual challenges and solutions. You’re no “fool” to JOIN “Mr. T.”
  • Fuel McFly: $100.00/month. Jeff and DeeAnn Brown help the Sports Mentor provide ONE week of personal sports mentoring presence (WPD groups, sport practice and races/events). JOIN Jeff and DeeAnn and help “McFly” (Dr. M’s nickname) provide a caring mentor presence.
  • Mentor Meals: $50.00/month. Dewayne “Bushman” Miner helps the Sports Mentor spend one-on-one time with ONE student-athlete. JOIN “Bushman” and help feed one or more current and future WPDers. Good happens with a shared meal.
  • Grub Grub: $40.00/month. Grandma “Have Ya Eatin’ Yet?” Lewis supplies food and drink for ONE weekly WPD group for ONE month. JOIN Grandma Lewis and help feed one or more group of WPD student-athletes. Yum! Burp!
  • Time Traveler: $50.00/month. Jordan “Big-X” Inman resources the Sport Mentor’s travels, meeting with student-athletes and/or traveling with a team and coaching staff. Student-athlete needs don’t stop at events and coaches always need help. Auto rental. Gas. Meals. Lodging – the Super 8 kind! JOIN “Big-X” and help support timely travels!
  • Sup Bag: $50.00/month. Jeremy “Spidey” Inman supplies coach-endorsed (gels, drinks, bars) for the WPD student-athletes. They go “nuts” over this stuff – pre, during, and post workout. JOIN “Spidey” and help fuel and heal the body.
  • SFR: $50.00/month. Drs. Steve and Mary supplies SFR (spiritual formation resources) like books, affordable Bibles, journals, discipleship manuals. JOIN Steve and Mary and feed a soul or two.
  • Legal Beagle: $90.00/month. Liability insurance for WPDSports. Yeah, not a warm fuzzy, but it keeps our noses clean, and clean is good.
  • Geek Gift: $100.00/month. Brian (BJ) Majernik supplies the “tech touch” for items like domain hosting service, giving software, podcasting equipment/service and Zoom (virtual meeting space). JOIN BJ and geek out! You know who you are!

WPDSports will use your “Fuel” to BE THERE and CARE for the student-athlete in the most personal and holistic manner.

You may securely give (one time or recurring) online using a debit – credit card. Did you know that when you make a recurring gift, you sustain an impact month after month way beyond when the cows come home? We ain’t into cows, but the student-athletes will gobble up and grow with your monthly generosity.
More comfortable giving offline? Save Stripe processing fees on larger gifts? We honor checks! For an offline gift make checks payable to WPDSports. Mail to: WPDSports / 1812 Thomas Place Unit A / Fort Worth, TX 76107

You can give both online and offline (one time or recurring) by engaging the “Fuel Up” Donate Form below.

All “Fuel Up” gifts receive an official receipt, end-of-year receipt and are tax- deductible where allowed by law. Most importantly, we enjoy the interplay as we run the race together.

Need more information? Want to talk about a special “Fuel Up” gift? Reach out to us at presson@wpdsports.org or “Contact.

Thank you and Press on…

Dr. Scott McNeal, President / Executive Director / Sports Mentor

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